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About Me


Who am I?

Who is Edgar Lezama?

I am always striving to learn and become better

I came from a lower middle class family. I would like to think I was more on the middle class side but looking back, that is not the case. In my earlier years, I was a quiet, studious kid who enjoyed playing outside and video games when given the chance. Nothing stood out during that time; however, when I hit around the age of 10, my father was deported as a result of a speeding ticket. During the deportation process, I felt the need to buckle down and grow up for the sake of my mother and little brother. I applied myself more in school and thanks to that hard work, I was a recipient of the EOP (Education Opportunity Program) scholarship for Marquette University. I attended Marquette University for 2 years but decided to leave and attend UW-Milwaukee. I studied here until I was given an internship at QUAD as a programmer. Having now entered the corporate world, I felt the need to grow my career further. After some time, I was given an offer as a Systems Administrator for Hastings Air Energy Control, where I am still employed to this day.

I know I glanced over the deportation part of my father but I do not want to deny its impact it had on me. That moment in my life was tough, but it encouraged me to choose a career path that I was good at, and enjoyed doing. I chose programming because it allowed me to create a whole new world all through lines of “words” I type on a screen. I enjoy learning new techniques and algorithms that help me become an even better programmer. Although my father resides in a different country, I am still blessed to visit him whenever I am given the opportunity.