I’m a Programmer
Edgar Lezama
I’m a passionate programmer dedicated to crafting elegant solutions through clean code and innovative problem-solving. With expertise in various programming languages and a knack for continuous learning, I thrive on transforming ideas into functional software solutions.

My Skills
Here is a brief overview of my skills/assets.
Having volunteered in a local hospital in Salvatierra, GTO, Mexico, I have experience in professional written and spoken Spanish.
Python Focused
I’ve dedicated a majority of my coding career to the understanding of the programming language: Python. Most of my projects, whether it be work or personal, have been made possible using Python.
Various Projects
The projects I have worked on involve the implementation of API’s, scripting, IT management, and manufacturing design.

About me
I am driven to further my knowledge and career. The process of doing that involves identifying a problem in my personal life and try to use the engineering process to, not only gain knowledge but to ease the repetitive nature of mundane, everyday tasks. These tasks include …
Current and Upcoming Projects
These are a few of the many projects I have worked on.

GraphQL Implementation
At my current employer, I have designed some code that will interface with a third party web-app that pulls important information for our company. This required me to further my understanding of GraphQL.

Digital Marketing
At my previous employer, my team was tasked to develop a script that will auto-update important apps that our peers use.

App Development
I am currently in the process of developing a “social media” for car people. I am designing a product that will interface with a vehicle’s OBD2 port, send that information to a locally hosted server, and display that information on a mobile app.
Work Experience
Here is a list of my work experience.
I am tasked with giving technical support for any employees that require it. I also help develop processes that will boost overall company efficiency.
I was tasked to gather client data and produce a blueprint for other worked to work off of. I also was part of the solutions team to help identify bottle-necks in our processes and make them more efficient.
I was part of the team that reads medical paperwork in order to develop prescription lenses for customers in need of 20/20 vision.
Given my non-medical background I was only tasked to move supplies around and speak with patients when necessary.
I don’t know how to pretty this job up. The title says it all… It wasn’t a bad job, just the first step to the world of adulthood I guess.